the class

udah ada 3 taun aku gabung sama mereka, di salah satu lembaga kursus bahasa inggris di surabaya. sejak 'angkatan' pertama sampe sekarang, yg awet cuma tinggal 4 orang termasuk aku. dan selalu ada tambahan orang-orang baru di setiap level tapi kita berempat masih aja lanjut sampe sekarang.

nah sejak awal gabung di level 3, sekarang aku udah di level 13. ngga ngira bakal awet disini. nah di level 13 ini kita tetep ber4 di tambah beberapa temen baru. first of all, I'll introduce them..

1. King Cone

his real name is Zainal Furqon. studied Product Design at ITS. actually the teachers has a lot of nickname for him. Dan called him Cone, suddenly it changes to King Cone, Dani called him Zee, Dee called him Zainal because she think the name is unique. because he have a big body, ussually King Cone turn to King Kong. :D he is a photographer also, this man is my first mentor at photography world. he is the first place when I ask about DSLR. this morning when I opened his facebook account, I saw that his status was changed to an 'in a relationship'. haha, I'm shocked! the last time we talk about girl, he said that he is looking for a girlfriend, because it's been a long time since his last relationship. now he's got one! and it's always nice when talk about cameras, lenses, and all about photography with this guy. he's a nice person after all..

2. Corry

Cornelia Melinda. she's the only girl that stayed in our lil' group since 3rd level (I think). studied at SMAK St. Louis 1 high school. she still 18. this young lady was very good on grammar point. but she is pretty quite. isn't like Zee and me, sometimes we tempting the teachers and joking with friends. 

3. Ardi

I called him professor. because he is the youngest crew on the class and wearing a glasses which is looks like a prof. when the first time he joined my class he was junior high, and his got the best mark. so that's why I called him prof, besides his appearance. but now, he is going to high school. but our english ability now a level. haha hmm, it's look like I don't have his facebook account to grab his picture. yeah, I've got their picture from facebook. :p

well, that's my friend. now I'm gonna share about Adam. he is our teacher on level 13. this man from England, and it's Manchester!! a city-that-I-really wanted-to-go-there! and of course he is a big fan of Man United, so do I. lots of people say that this person it's very similar like Mr Bean. 

Adam a.k.a Mr. Bean
nah, Adam juga suka fotografi, jadi kadang (sering sih) di level 13 ini Adam sama Furqon sering ngomongin kamera, lensa, dan apapun itu tentang fotografi. sampe kita di kelas ngga di gubris.

asik sih dengerin mereka ngobrol, tp kadang ngenes juga, jadi ngebuat saya iri tingkat tinggi!! haha. beberapa pertemuan kemaren si Furqon ngga dateng di kelas, dia jadi orang yg paling Adam rindukan. he always asking about him, where's Furqon? does anybody know, today he's gonna coming or not? pokoke amat sangat jelas kalo Adam keilangan temen ngobrol tentang kamera disitu. so silly. haha

by the way di level ini pelajaran bakal tambah agak serius. di level-level sebelumnya biasanya sih saya slenge'an aja ngikutin, yah paling suka ngobrol-ngobrol, tp tetep in english. jadi walopun slenge'an tetep dapet esensi dari kursusnya. buat test pun sering juga ngga belajar, hampir ngga pernah sih. tp alhamdulillah mesti lulus. hehe :D

tp merasa agak kurang, jadinya di level ini kudu sering masuk kelas (ya, kadang aku sering bolos) dan harus sering bawa buku. soalnya karna ada beberapa perubahan di tempat kursus jadi buku sekarang adalah suatu komoditi yg penting (oke, saya juga sering ngga bawa buku) :p

well, that's all about my class that suddenly I'd like to share :D

and this is my first class at the course back in level 3..

kika : furqon-rikza-andre-angga-tasya

nb: sori kalo bahasanya campur-campur ndak karuan. huehehe 


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